More than half of Prologis’ customers and employees are based in the Americas. As natural disasters ravaged the region earlier this year, Prologis team members in Texas, Florida and Mexico were there to assist. Here are some of their stories.
Mexico City
After the devastating earthquake in Mexico City in September, Prologis applied buildings and our engineering expertise to accelerate relief and rebuilding efforts. As good neighbors, that was to be expected. However, the complete selflessness of our Prologis Mexico employees exceeded expectations. The Mexico City office cancelled their annual Christmas party, 5K and 10K races to redirect money to The Mexico Reconstruction Fund #FuerzaMexico. Employees provided support in many areas, from donating blood to delivering medicine, blankets, food and water.
In addition, the San Francisco and Amsterdam offices collected boxes of clothes, toys and toiletries for distribution through an Aeromexico free cargo shipment program for relief donations. Aeromexico will deliver the donations to Centro Nacional de Apoyo para Contingencias Epidemiológicas y Desastres, A.C. (CENACED), or the National Support Center for Epidemiological Contingencies and Disasters. The organization distributes goods to locations and people in greatest need.
Every Prologis team member in the Houston office offered help to neighbors and strangers, alike. Kevin Wittler, leasing manager in Houston, and Casey Dillon, a development manager in Dallas, spent many days rescuing stranded flood victims using their personal boats. When one employee’s home flooded with two feet of water, the Houston team created an impromptu IMPACT Day. The entire office helped the employee remove flood damaged items.
Prologis’ Space for Good program donated close to 400,000 SF of space, including 32,000 SF at Prologis Park West by Northwest to the Texas Tactical Police Officers Association and 5,715 SF at Prologis Park Post Oak for collection and distribution of supplies, furniture and personal affects to flood victims.

The Florida team donated over 325,000 SF to Space for Good, freeing up the properties for emergency relief purposes within 48 hours. In Orlando, Prologis donated 250,000 SF at 220 Consulate Drive to the Red Cross. In Miami, in conjunction with FEMA, we made 32,000 SF at Beacon Lakes available to the US Army Corps of Engineers for Operation Blue Roof which provides blue tarps to use for temporary roofing. In Fort Lauderdale, we provided 44,000 SF to the Pompano Beach Fire Department.
Read more about Prologis’ efforts to care for our employees, customers and communities affected by these unfortunate weather events here.