Person working on a laptop, talking on the phone and smiling

Governance, Ethics and Compliance

What Sets Us Apart 

Staying ahead of what’s next is in our company’s DNA. Every day, we leverage the scale of our global real estate portfolio and our key position in the supply chain to advance innovation and demonstrate leadership in impact and sustainability.

Leading by Example

We hold our employees and board members to the highest ethical standards and seek to do business with customers and business partners who share our values.

Our ethics and compliance program reflects our commitment to integrity and helps create a culture of compliance. Every active employee completes annual training on our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (referred to as “The Code”). The Code has been translated into 15 languages and covers company policies, including our Anti-Corruption and FCPA Policy and our Insider Trading Policy. It also includes language on equal employment, antitrust and fair dealing, political activities and contributions, conflict of interest, bribery, retaliation, and discrimination and harassment. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for our suppliers.