Prologis has again been included on the prestigious Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World list. This year marks Prologis’ twelfth appearance.
“We are proud to once again be recognized by Corporate Knights as one of the world’s most sustainable companies,” said Prologis chief legal officer and ESG head Edward S. Nekritz. “We remain committed to building world-class logistics facilities and providing innovative solutions that allow our business and customers to thrive. Our global scale is a key factor in our ability to maximize the reach of our environmental and social initiatives and benefits.”
Administered by Toronto-based Corporate Knights, the Global 100 recognizes the world’s top publicly traded companies for their sustainability performance. The list is widely considered to be one of the most reputable sustainability rankings.
The rigorous assessment looked at how 8,080 publicly traded companies measured up against global industry peers on a suite of 24 key performance indicators, including clean revenue, clean investment, carbon productivity and percentage of board gender diversity.
From its inception up until December 31, 2020, the Global 100 index has generated a total return of 263% versus the 220% increase of its benchmark, the MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index). For the calendar year 2020, the Global 100 was up 26% compared with a rise of 16% for the MSCI ACWI.
Said Corporate Knights of the 2021 list: “Members of the Global 100 earn 41% of their revenues from products or services aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals compared to just 8% for MSCI ACWI companies on a weighted basis.”
Corporate Knights is a specialized media company and investment research firm that ranks publicly traded global companies on a broad scope of metrics related to environmental stewardship, social responsibility and governance (ESG).