Picture this — a world where every truck on the highway is powered by clean, renewable energy. Exciting, right? Well, buckle up! More states, like California and New York, are shifting gears with zero-emissions mandates for medium and heavy-duty fleets. As trailblazers in this electric revolution with heavy-duty trucks, we install charging infrastructure and work closely with our customers and the utility company. So, if you’re ready to join us on this journey, here are some best practices for transitioning to zero-emissions vehicles and battery-powered heavy trucks.
- Widen Your Network: Consider your network of nearby warehouses when planning charging infrastructure. That way, you can capitalize on various charging opportunities and cycles while exploring the benefits of tapping into charging hubs along your routes.
- Parking Lot Need a Facelift? Repouring or redoing a parking lot paves (pun intended!) the way for the perfect opportunity to install EV-compatible conduits. Preparing your location now will save on transition costs later.
- Future Proof Your Investment. Plan for improved batteries and extended range by opting for larger chargers in anticipation of advancements in longer-range batteries, ultimately optimizing your charging times.
- Make the Most of What You Have. Assess your fleet’s charging needs, including the number of trucks and schedules. Adopting staggered shifts could minimize the number of chargers needed.
- Utilize Your Landlord for Utility Upgrades. Work with your landlord, when possible, whose relationships with the local utility companies can help to discuss potential grid capacity constraints, required upgrades, and timelines for completing these items. Your landlord's relationship with the utility company can help to ensure the timely completion of grid improvements and load management solutions.
- Don’t Get Caught Short. There’s a possibility that your trucks will arrive before the necessary grid updates are completed. Consider OnDemand Charging solutions to get your EV fleet on the road faster. It’s also essential to ensure your warehouse is prepared for potential power outages by investing in backup power solutions like battery storage systems or generators.
- Invest in Your People. To ensure your transition to heavy-duty EV trucking goes smoothly, educate your drivers and staff with the necessary training to understand the new technology and troubleshooting, charging habits, and procedures, to provide the necessary tools for a positive experience.
Stepping into the era of heavy-duty EV trucking is not just about leading the pack in innovation. It’s about sharing learnings, making this journey more manageable for everyone ready to jump onboard. Let’s channel this momentum and accelerate towards a cleaner and greener tomorrow.