Pick and Pack Warehouse Parts


The former AB&I Foundry site located at 7825 San Leandro Street (Property) consists of approximately 14.5 acres of commercial/industrial land. The former owner of the Property manufactured cast iron pipe and fittings on the site from 1940 until October 2022. Duke Realty Foundry LP (Owner) purchased the site in April 2022. 

Cleanup activities 

Due to historical industrial activities, the Owner is actively working with the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health (ACDEH) to fully investigate existing Property conditions. Site investigation/characterization is currently in process under ACDEH supervision.    

ACDEH oversees cleanup activities including dust management efforts when work involves the disturbance of potentially contaminated soil. The City of Oakland and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) oversee Owner’s dust management activities during grading and construction work.   


Demolition of above-ground structures at the Property was completed in December 2023. Environmental Subsurface Investigation is currently in progress  under ACDEH supervision. Next steps are subject to subsurface investigation results. 


If you have any questions or concerns regarding environmental conditions at the Property, please reach out to us. We will work with the on-site team to gather information and work to resolve your issue. You can expect a timely follow-up from our team. 

In addition, should you notice any dust that you believe may be coming from the AB&I Redevelopment project, please call Blair Rushing at (864) 238-8615, so we can address the situation in real time.