For the seventh consecutive year, Prologis has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for North America. The company was also named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in Asia for the third year running. Inclusion in the two indices recognizes the REIT industry leader's enduring commitment to sustainable business practices that benefit its customers, shareholders, employees and communities.
Prologis’ Sustainability VP, Jeannie Renné-Malone, sees inclusion in the Dow Jones indices as a tribute to teamwork. “This is truly a reflection of the great work and collaboration of our colleagues across the globe,” she said, “and I am proud that we continue raise the bar and demonstrate our leadership in the industry.”
Created in 1999 as a benchmark for investors that view sustainability as an important investment selection criteria, the DJSI uses the RobecoSam Corporate Sustainability Assessment of economic, environmental and social factors to select companies. Prologis' inclusion is attributable to the company's consistent focus on sustainable business practices worldwide. For more information about Prologis’ sustainability initiatives, please see the 2016 Sustainability Report here.