Prologis and its listed entities in Japan and Mexico have once again been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) which tracks the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide.
For the eleventh consecutive year, Prologis has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for North America. Prologis Nippon REIT (NPR) was also named to the Asia Pacific DJSI for the fourth year running. FIBRA Prologis was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index MILA Pacific Alliance (DJSI MILA) for the second consecutive year.
Inclusion in the three indices recognizes Prologis’ enduring commitment to sustainable business practices that benefit our customers, shareholders, investors, employees and communities.
Prologis’ Sustainability VP, Jeannie Renné-Malone, sees inclusion in the Dow Jones indices as the result of ESG being a key business strategy. “We are thrilled that Prologis has been listed on the DJSI for eleven consecutive years”, she said “our “emphasis on ESG is important to our focus on delivering exceptional results for our business and to our stakeholders.”
Created in 1999 as a benchmark for investors that view sustainability as an important investment selection criterion, the DJSI uses the RobecoSam Corporate Sustainability Assessment of economic, environmental and social factors to select companies. Prologis being listed in the DJSI is attributable to the company's consistent focus on sustainable business practices worldwide. For more information about Prologis’ ESG initiatives, please see see the 2017 Sustainability Report.