Prologis and its listed entities in Japan and Mexico have again been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), a highly regarded international standard for tracking leading sustainability-driven companies. Prologis has also been selected as an index component for the DJSI World Index, which recognizes the most sustainable corporations across all industries. Inclusion in these indices demonstrates the company’s long-standing commitment to sustainability initiatives that benefit customers, investors and employees.
Contributing factors to Prologis’ strong showing include the creation and deployment of the Community Workforce Initiative (CWI) and being the first logistics real estate company with an approved Science-Based Target (SBT). SBTs are greenhouse gas reduction goals approved by SBTi, an internationally recognized assessor of GHG goals.
In addition to the DJSI World listing, Prologis is on the North America DJSI Index for the 12th consecutive year. FIBRA Prologis is listed on the MILA Pacific Index for the 3rd consecutive year and NPR is on the Asia Pacific Index for the 5th consecutive year.
Read an overview of DJSI here.