Renee Carroll is a leasing manager in our West Region, based in Nevada. A career commercial real estate professional, she has honed a style of leadership and customer care that focuses on empathy, respect and proactive engagement. Here’s more from Renee on what it takes to be a great leader and an advocate for our customers.
Corporate Communications: Renee, it’s great to catch up with you. Let’s begin with a recap of your background and experience.
Renee: I started in commercial real estate at the age of 19 while I was still in school and not yet sure what I wanted to do for a career. I got my first “real” job as a receptionist in a commercial property management office in Arlington Heights, Illinois. As I learned more about the industry, I knew I was hooked. I continued my education through BOMI, where I earned my RPM designation for property management. Over the next several years, I worked my way up the ladder in property management, which gave me the opportunity to relocate to Las Vegas in 2004.
Corporate Communications: What was the impetus behind joining Prologis?
Renee: I was an asset manager for KTR Capital Partners when Prologis acquired KTR and its assets in 2015. When I was approached by Prologis to join the Las Vegas team, I knew that this opportunity to work for not only the leader in the industry but the company that spearheaded the Southern Nevada commercial real estate market rebound after the Global Financial Crisis would be an amazing growth opportunity.
Corporate Communications: Tell us your views on what makes a good leader.
Renee: The best leaders are those who aren’t trying to “lead.” Rather, they are looked up to because of who they are inside and not because of their title, for example. A person who shows integrity and empathy but can also be strong and decisive will by design be a great leader. A true leader will ask questions that spark thought and creativity, and that person will also be OK admitting they don’t have the answer in the moment but will find a way for the team to arrive at a solution together.
Corporate Communications: Tell us about your approach to customer centricity.
Renee: Early in my career, I learned that customers, like most people, just want to be heard and treated with respect. We at Prologis put the customer first and are committed to finding the root case of an issue and solving it. This shows our customers that they are our top priority. In the current COVID-19 environment, taking the time to proactively reach out to our customers confirms the company’s dedication to customer centricity. I have had countless conversations with Prologis customers who have said that the way we listen to them and address their needs has fostered relationships in ways no other landlords have achieved.
Corporate Communications: How does your work tie into Prologis’ key pillars of operational excellence and innovation?
Renee: The most important tool I can use when negotiating a lease or a renewal is the relationship that Prologis has with our customers. In order to continue to grow our relationships, building the trust between both parties is essential. This will only be achieved through operational excellence and innovation where we can access and share information between markets. By continuing to create the relationship first, before the business, customers know they are the priority. The business will come and be a product of the relationship.
Corporate Communications: What is the best career advice you’ve received personally or would give to a colleague or friend?
Renee: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Do not second-guess your experience or knowledge because you “think” someone is smarter, more experienced or has more degrees than you. Intuition is real and you should trust it.
Corporate Communications: You are very passionate about your work. What do you do in your time off?
Renee: For the past 11 years, my husband, our two boys and I have traveled around the country running half-marathons and racing in triathlons. This lifestyle taught us about dedication, willpower and determination. It was a great foundation for our boys who are now both off to college, where they get to reap the rewards of years of hard work and training. They are my two greatest accomplishments. Now that my husband and I are empty nesters, we are starting the next chapter in our lives by learning the craft of backpacking. Our first official backpacking trip is coming up and is a four-night trip through Yosemite National Park.