Prologis, the global leader in industrial real estate and the world’s foremost provider of sustainable logistics facilities, released its eighth annual Corporate Responsibility Report, an overview of the prior year’s progress and accomplishments, plus objectives and plans for the year ahead.
Prologis’ longstanding commitment to sustainable design and responsible development is evident in the outstanding achievements detailed in the report. For example, the company’s sustainable building certifications demonstrate our commitment to the environment. Last year, we certified 27 projects (more than 9 million square feet) in nine countries through highly respected international rating systems, including LEED, BREEAM, CASBEE, DGNB and HQE.
The report aligns with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework and details Prologis’ threefold sustainability philosophy:
- Environmental Stewardship: global impact of portfolio and operations
- Social Responsibility: relationships with employees, customers, investors and communities
- Ethics & Governance: commitment to organizational policies, procedures and practices
Prologis’ multi-pronged approach delivers long-term value to customers, shareholders, employees and communities alike. And the approach is working—the company’s sustainable building certifications total 53 million square feet across 128 projects in 14 countries, a year-over-year increase of 23 percent. We also became the first industrial real estate company to engage in the LEED Volume Program, and we held another successful IMPACT Day, Prologis’ global day of service, during which employees gave more than 7,000 volunteer hours to 63 nonprofits working in the areas of education, human welfare and the environment.
“Our shared and enduring commitment to the environment, social responsibility and corporate governance has a direct and positive impact on the health of our communities, the strength of our reputation and our financial performance,” said Jeannie Renné-Malone, vice president, Sustainability. “In 2015 and beyond, we will continue to find ways to extend our reach, grow our business and make a greater difference in the communities where we operate and live.”
Download the full 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report.